Focus on Results, Not the Hype

It seems the often accused purveyors of hype are highly susceptible to hype themselves. Hype within the marketing profession, especially in digital marketing, is simply out of control. There is a non-stop onslaught of next-big-things. Each with a compelling and intriguing title. At face value, it seems you should jump in with both feet. You can't afford for that train to leave without you. Right?

Here are some recent examples:

  • Brand Storytelling
  • Blogs
  • Crowdsourcing
  • Content Marketing
  • Social Media
  • Banner Advertising
  • Personas
  • Infographics
  • RSS Feeds
  • Native Advertising

This gobbledygook leaves leaders of mid-size, B2B businesses puzzled or even paralyzed. Further complicating the matter, these same business leaders recognize that other organizations are generating rapid digital growth.

In fact, there is some level of truth in the hype, but frequently not enough to justify meaningful investment. At best, many of these next-big-things are simply evolving tactics. No sound strategy should be  based on a single tactic. Successful, sustainable digital customer acquisition is a mix of many, well-integrated tactics.

Focus on Results, Not the Hype

So what's the best approach? Focusing first on required results, is a fundamental element of digital growth. Deeply understand which results best propel the organization. Then and only then, work backwards from results to formulate strategy and prioritize tactics that will create the desired results -- effectively and efficiently. An honest process creates a plan largely composed of proven, predictable tactics. If a few new and trendy tactics are selected, it will be for the right reasons and proportions.

Each tactic employed at Brave New Markets, including some listed above, was new at one time. Focusing first on results enables us to look past the hype, test and prove multiple tactics and deliver outstanding, repeatable results. It may not seem as exciting as the next-big-thing, but it works. 

Marc Waldeck
Marc Waldeck
Chief Results Officer

About Brave New Markets
Our team serves private equity firms and their B2B portfolio companies. We create new value at portfolio companies with a complete plug-in solution -- including BNM’s Digital Growth System (DGS), leadership, strategy, experience, talent and technology -- to produce rapid top-line revenue growth, margin expansion and increased exit multiples within typical PE investment horizons.

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